Established 1978
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
The basic rules of the Haciendas del Conde Association are set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) as updated in January, 2017 and August, 2021.
The CC&Rs define the role of the Homeowners’ Association as the governing body, and give the Board of Directors the authority to make decisions regarding the Association and the legal power to enforce the rules of the Association.
The CC&Rs inform property owners and residents in Haciendas del Conde of the legal restrictions regarding the appearance and decorum of the neighborhood, and the acceptable behavior of member families, their guests, and their pets. Fundamentally, the CC&Rs provide the common rules under which we agree to live.
The By-Laws define the Board of Directors, their powers, number, election, meetings, and quorum; the Officers of the Association and their responsibilities; Association membership; and Annual Meetings.
In the end, making this a desirable place to live really depends upon the residents. Be actively involved in the Board or its committees, volunteer time in Association activities and understand the intent reflected by the CC&Rs and comply with the rules.