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Trailer Parking

Trailer parking for more than one week in the HOA is not allowed unless reviewed and approved by the board. The CCRs, Paragraph 9 reads;

“ No vehicle of any kind or nature shall be placed or parked upon any lot except as may be entirely within an enclosed garage, except for automobiles, vans, or other non-commercial vehicles regularly used on a daily basis for the transportation of residents. No boat, boat trailer, camper, travel trailer, motor home, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle or equipment may be stored or parked upon a lot except those which are kept entirely within an enclosed garage. Temporary storage or parking of such vehicles or equipment must not exceed one (1) week unless previously approved by the Board of Directors in writing. No vehicle of any  kind  which is inoperable, abandoned, dismantled, or in any stage  of repair shall be stored or kept on any lot within the  subdivision as to be seen from any other lot, from the common areas, or from the street.”

A new paragraph was added in the 2017 CCR update to allow for onsite storage containers for up to 90 days. Paragraph 10 of the CCRs reads: “Long-term storage containers must receive prior written approval from the Board of Directors if such storage exceeds ninety (90) days. If storage exceeds ninety (90) days, renewal is possible upon another written approval from the Board of Directors.”

If more than one week is required for parking recreational vehicles, boats, trailers, or similar equipment, or more than 90 days is required for a storage container, access the form using the button below, review the request with your neighbors, and mail the completed form to Haciendas Del Conde HOA,  5910 North Pontatoc Road. If you have any questions send an email to or contact one of the board members.  

© Copyright Haciendas del Conde HOA all rights preserved.

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