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Established 1978

Meetings & Activities

Annual Meetings

The Annual Meeting of the Association is held in the first quarter of the year, at which time financial statements are presented, the status of the property is discussed, plans are reviewed, Directors are elected, and matters of interest to members are discussed.  All Association members are encouraged to attend; a meeting announcement stating a specific date, time, and the location is mailed prior to the meeting.


In addition, there is a social event during the fall, featuring good food and drink. They’re great opportunities to meet your neighbors! Visiting guests are welcome – call the Secretary to make arrangements.

Board Meetings

Board meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom. All Association members are welcome to attend. A Zoom license is not required. To obtain the meeting information send a note to Phil Worcester at

Neighborhood Watch


Haciendas Del Conde is an active participant in the Pima County Sheriff's Department Neighborhood Watch Program. Last years meeting included a presentation by the Pima Coounty Sheriff's auxiliary and a Q & A session. 

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